I've been sleepy these last couple of weeks. I really don't know why. When I wake up in the morning, I have something to eat and then go back to bed. Then I'll nap a couple of times during the day. After that I go to bed and sleep the whole night through. I can't seem to sleep enough. This afternoon as I was contemplating yet another nap (it would have been my second), I felt an inexorable call to the sunlight. And so I arose from my bed and stepped out into the light. I am always amazed at God's presence in nature. It's as if, in it, He is calling us all back to Him. His natural revelation is a conviction to the unbeliever, revealing His presence and the folly that is a life without Him; but for the believer, it's a reminder of life and rebirth, a reminder to slow down, lie back, and watch the clouds float overhead. God is everywhere in His creation. Perhaps if I spend more time with Him there, I will sleep less.
awake, o sleeper |
awake, o sleeper,
and rise from your dreary slumber.
arise, o dreamer
from the paste-thin walls of its gossamer web.
the sun has arisen,
and in the shadows cast by his beams
dwells a truth much deeper
and richer
and full of life
than that which is found in the
light-bathed glades
of your temporary world.
umbra |
after the rain |
This little glade is on a small, sylvan island called Spider Island on the outskirts of the garden. My friend M. and I had a very bad experience there one evening last summer which led us to call it 'Hooker Island' (don't ask!) ever after. Needless to say, I've avoided it since. Today I ventured back onto it, and laid down on one of the stones in the middle of this little glade. The clouds floated by (and every now and then a plane, too, reminding me of where I really was) and so did the time. It was so secluded and comfortable, and the little insects serenaded me with a private symphony that was rich with tonic variants.
nubem |
leaving |
sleeper |
Apparently I'm not the only one who's sleepy in the afternoon, as I found this little paddle of female ducks hanging out near the water garden and the bridge to Evening Island (where the ducks tend to hang out) in various states of repose. I think they were enjoying the warm flagstones more than anything. I love the ducks. Inevitably , if you sit there long enough, they'll walk right up to you. They all seem to know that they're completely safe at the Garden, and no one ever hassles them.
resting |
safe |
clean |
The female ducks all have a secret. When they're just hanging out, they all look kind of drab and work-a-day. But when one lifts her wings to fly, she shows you how beautiful she truly is. Beneath her mousy wing-feathers, each female has the most brilliant, magical stripe of jewel-toned indigo. This photo doesn't do her justice.
together |
Usually the swans don't come close to the public areas. There are a couple of inaccessible islands at the Garden, and that's usually where you can spy them lounging around, well beyond the gaze of the curious crowd. Today they were right near the bridge leading into the visitor's center. I love to see them. They remind me that God does not intend for us to be alone here. That He cares so even for these large birds that He makes them to have a mate for life. I know that He rejoices in our fellowship with each other, too.
cygnus |
front to back |
Having trouble seeing things clearly?
back to front |
Sometimes a change in perspective is all you need.
torrens |
I love the water features at the Garden the best. The main part of the Garden is a huge island, surrounded and broken up by different lakes, marshes, and channels. There's something very tranquil and bucolic about sitting in the shade of a willow tree after you've let the Lord lead you beside a broad body of still, calm water, especially on a hot summer's day, that just restores the soul.
tranquil |
float |
water garden |
pons |
I love this bridge that leads from the back of the English gardens onto Evening Island. I have photos of it in every season. It's like the swans, I think it's nearly impossible to take a bad photo of it!
fons |
well of tears |
Whenever I am sad and just need some time alone with God, I go to this secret little garden off to the side. There's never anybody there because it's so out of the way, and in fact, I only discovered it by happenstance one day last year. This little pond sits toward the back, and when I need to be alone and cry (like a girl), this is where I go. I'm convinced that this is a portion of my tears that God is storing up in His bottle, recording in His book.
hidden |
gossamer |
bottle brush |
Maybe this makes me seem a little too much like a girl, but, hey, that's what I am! - I love the flowers at the Garden. I love it when I can find some rare little tidbit that has a little exotic flavor to it. Sometimes you have to look a little harder for them, but exotic beauties are tucked away like precious jewels for those who take the time to seek them out.
pink lotus |
crimson pincushion |
hibiscus |
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